Thursday, March 5, 2020

Larry The Cable Guy Uses Caustive Forms (listening exercise)

Larry The Cable Guy Uses Caustive Forms (listening exercise) Like many things in language, often times native speakers dont know they are using a complex grammar point. To highlight this fact you can watch the video about Larry the Cable Guy describing how he uses his saying, git r done or get her done or get something done. This is a causative verb construction, for example, I got my hair done. It means that someone styled my hair for me. Watch the video below about the verb form and listen to Larry to see if you can understand him, as he explains the origins of get r done, and the meaning. He has a strong accent, so youll have to listen closely.If you need more help with causative verbs, watch our video below, and try our quiz.iframe src=// width=560 height=315 frameborder=0 allowfullscreen=allowfullscreen/iframe1. How did Larry first start using the phrase git r done? 2. Whatever you got to do dont ______ about it, dont _________ about it just git r done. 3. How often did he say it? 4. For how many years did he call the radio stations?Below youll find  our video on causative verbs. a href=/?p=16536Click here/a to take the quiz.iframe width=560 height=315 src=// frameborder=0 allowfullscreen/iframe

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